Board of Trustees

Our team of dedicated individuals providing leadership and guidance to RMHC

We are thankful for the tireless effort of every member of our Board of Trustees in helping us support the programs and services for all the children and families we serve.

RMHC Board Members

Jon Banner
Jon Banner Executive Vice President and Global Chief Impact Officer, McDonald's Corporation
Wendy Davidson
Wendy Davidson President & CEO, The Hain Celestial Group
Jeffrey M. Davis
Jeffrey M. Davis Chief Commercial Officer for Oracle, Deloitte Consulting
Alex Dimitrief
Alex Dimitrief Board Chair, Ronald McDonald House Charities; Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Sotera Health Company
Katie Fitzgerald, ex officio
Katie Fitzgerald, ex officio Global President & CEO, RMHC
Ginger Hardage
Ginger Hardage Founder, Unstoppable Cultures
David C. Herman, M.D.
David C. Herman, M.D. Chief Executive Officer, Essentia Health
Chris Kempczinski, ex officio
Chris Kempczinski, ex officio President & CEO, McDonald's Corporation
Mats Lederhausen
Mats Lederhausen Founder and Chief Executive Officer, BE-CAUSE, LLC
Jennifer Mann
Jennifer Mann Executive Vice President and President, North America Operating Unit, The Coca Cola Company
Janell Mason
Janell Mason CEO, RMHC Arkansas & North Louisiana
Grace Fung Oei
Grace Fung Oei Retired, Vice Chairman, Corporate and Institutional Clients, Standard Chartered Bank (HK) Limited
Walter A. Orenstein, M.D.
Walter A. Orenstein, M.D. Professor of Medicine, Infectious Diseases, Emory University; Director, Emory Program for Vaccine Policy and Development; Associate Director, Emory Vaccine Center; Affiliate Professor, Department of Global Health, University of Washington
Theodore F. Perlman
Theodore F. Perlman Founder, The HAVI Group, LP
Nicole Harper Rawlins
Nicole Harper Rawlins Licensee, McDonald's USA, LLC
J. Christopher Reyes
J. Christopher Reyes Co-Chairman, Reyes Holdings, LLC Chairman, The Martin-Brower Company, LLC
Barbara Ryan
Barbara Ryan CEO, RMHC Australia
Eduardo Sanchez
Eduardo Sanchez Chairman, Lopez & Dorada Foods
Laura Schumacher
Laura Schumacher Retired, Vice Chairman, External Affairs and Chief Legal Officer, AbbVie
Stuart E. Siegel, M.D.
Stuart E. Siegel, M.D. Pediatric Hematologist – Oncologist Former Director, Children’s Center for Cancer and Blood Disease and Center for Global Health, Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
Russ Smyth
Russ Smyth Chairman and General Partner, HAVI
Woods Staton
Woods Staton Executive Chairman, Arcos Dorados
Michelle M. Stephenson, DNP, RN, NEA-BC
Michelle M. Stephenson, DNP, RN, NEA-BC Retired, Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
Michael L. Thompson
Michael L. Thompson President & CEO Fair Oaks Foods
James D. Watkins
James D. Watkins Chairman, J.D. Watkins Enterprises, Inc.

RMHC Officers

Alex Dimitrief, Board Chair
Eduardo Sanchez, Vice-Chair
Jeffrey Davis, Treasurer
Angela Steele, Secretary
Katie Fitzgerald, President and Chief Executive Officer
Stacey Bifero, Chief Financial Officer
Shannon Duval, Chief Development Officer
Rodney Jordan, Chief Operating Officer
Joanna Sabato, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer

Life Trustees

Linda H. Dunham
Audrey E. Evans, MD
Alan A. Harris, MD
Sheldon Lavin
Don Lubin
Andrew J. McKenna
Michael R. Quinlan
Steven M. Ramirez
Edward Rensi
Paul D. Schrage
James A. Skinner

For accessible versions of the RMHC Board of Trustees Policies, email [email protected].

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